Outdoor Tunisia brings about my 2 Passions:
                 ADVENTURE AWAITS!!!

Anyone that knows me knows I love yoga, kitesurfing, hiking, swimming, cycling and travel. So it only makes sense that I’m SO unbelievably passionate about sports tourism and a partnership with outdoor tunisia. A travel company focused on sports getaways in tunisia...can I ask for more? No! I’m content and so excited to present these trips and adventures to you.

It’s an exciting time in Tunisia. Tunisians have come alive with an explosion in the sports industry. Tunisia has a phenomenal martial arts, dance, body building, kiting, sailing, fishing, mountain climbing, soccer, tennis and scuba-diving communities. Momo is the first to collaborate sports and travel offering adventures throughout the country that has become the best and most exciting vacations for Europeans and locals.

Momo first decided to start Outdoor Tunisia after spending 6 months exploring South East Asia & Australia. Upon seeing the world and all it had to offer, it kept occuring to him that his very own country offered all these excursions in ONE place! No need to go from country to country - Tunisia has it all! From desert explorations, camping, off roading, to windsurfing, kite boarding, mountain biking, scuba diving....the adventures are endless and there is undiscovered beach after undiscovered beach.

These explorations are so exciting for Tunisians who are health oriented and for tourists looking for some sun, sand and adrenalin all in one. A short flight from Europe, there is no closer, more ideal destination - so if sports is your thing, pack your bags and well take care of the rest!

Virgin kite beaches...Some of the best beaches in the world.

Kiting in Tunisia...

If you love kiting, and you love adventure - boy does Tunisia have a surprise for you! 1300km of prestine beaches, with perfect weather and ideal wind conditions almost all year round. Bring your gear, go pro and your sense of adventure.

Articles & Tips

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Yoga Expands Throughout Tunisia

This is my favourite field, I monitor the yoga community wherever I am and in the last 10 years yoga has gone from an idea to a beautiful community.

Scuba Diving 

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Martial Arts

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This trip will be the best

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